
The writer of Records of the grand historian

The writer of Records of the grand historian, who completed this book after suffering great insult from the emperor at that time Han Wudi, occupied a great position in Chinese culture.

He was born in Longmen. But there was two opinions about this place. One is Hancheng, Shaanxi; one is Hejing, Shangxi province. He was raised in a family of historiographers. His father, Sima Tan , served as the Prefect of the Grand Scribes of Emperor Wu of Han (Emperor "Han Wudi"). His main responsibilities were managing the imperial library and calendar watching (for national day). Under the influence of his father, at the age of ten, Sima Qian was already well versed in old writings. He was the student of the famous Confucians Kong Anguo and Dong Zhongshu . At the age of twenty, with the support of his father, Sima Qian started a journey throughout the country, collecting useful first-hand historical records for his main work, Shiji. The purpose of his journey was to verify the ancient rumors and legends and to visit ancient monuments, including the renowned graves of the ancient sage kings Yu and Shun. Places he had visited include Shandong, Yunnan, Hebei, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and Hunan.

After his travels, he was chosen to be the Palace Attendant in the government whose duties were to inspect different parts of the country with Emperor Han Wudi. In 110 BC, at the age of thirty-five, Sima Qian was sent westward on a military expedition against some "barbarian" tribes. That year, his father fell ill and could not attend the Imperial Feng Sacrifice. Suspecting his time was running out, he summoned his son back to complete the historical work he had begun. Sima Tan wanted to follow the Annals of Spring and Autumn - the first chronicle in the history of Chinese literature. Fuelled by his father's inspiration, Sima Qian started to compile Shiji in 109 BC. In 105 BC, Sima was among the scholars chosen to reform the calendar. As a senior imperial official, Sima was also in the position to offer counsel to the emperor on general affairs of state.

In 99 BC, Sima Qian got involved in the Li Ling Affair: Li Ling and Li Guangli , two military officers who led a campaign against the Xiongnu in the north, were defeated and taken captive. Emperor Han Wudi attributed the defeat to Li Ling, and all the officials in the government condemned Li Ling for the defeat. Sima was the only person to defend Li Ling, who had never been his friend but who he respected. Emperor Han Wudi interpreted Sima’s defence of Li Ling as an attack on his brother-in-law, who had also fought against the Xiongnu without much success, and sentenced Sima to death. At that time, execution could be commuted either by money or castration. Since Sima did not have enough money to atone his "crime", he chose the latter and was then thrown into prison, where he endured three years. He described his pain thus: "When you see the jailer you abjectly touch the ground with your forehead. At the mere sight of his underlings you are seized with terror... Such ignominy can never be wiped away."

In 96 BC, on his release from prison, Sima chose to live on as a palace eunuch so as to complete his histories, rather than commit suicide as was expected of a gentleman-scholar.

Sima's Shiji is respected as a model of biographical literature with high literary value, and still stands as a "textbook" for the study of classical Chinese worldwide. Sima’s writings were influential to Chinese writing, and become a role model for various types of prose within the neo-classical "renaissance" movement of the Tang-Song period. The great use of characterisation and plotting also influenced fictional writing, including the classical short stories of the middle and late medieval period (Tang-Ming), as well as the vernacular novel of the late imperial period.

The influence is derived from the following key elements of his writing:

Skillful depiction

Sima portrayed many distinguished subjects based on true historical information. He would illustrate the response of the subject by placing him in a sharp contrast or juxtaposition, and then letting his words and deeds speak for him. The use of conversations in his writing also makes the descriptions more vibrant and realistic.

Innovative approach

Sima's new approach in writing involved using language which was informal, humorous and full of variations. This was an innovative way of writing at that time and thus it has always been esteemed as the highest achievement of classical Chinese writing; even Lu Xun (魯迅) regarded Shiji as "the first and last great work by historians, poems of Qu Yuan without rhyme." (史家之絕唱,無韻之離騷) in his Hanwenxueshi Gangyao (《漢文學史綱要》).

Concise language

The style was simple, concise, fluent, and easy-to-read. Sima made his own comments while recounting the historical events. In writing the biographies in Shiji, he avoided making general descriptions, and instead tried to catch the essence of the events. He would portray the subjects concretely, giving the readers vivid images with strong artistic appeal.

Other literary works
Apart from Shiji, Sima had written eight rhapsodies (Fu 賦), which are compiled in Hanshu. Sima expressed his suffering during the Li Ling Affair and his perseverance in writing Shiji in these rhapsodies.



Sagarmatha National Park

Sagarmatha National Park
The adds tower to belong to a special region, the whole areases spread all over the appearance each different mountain range, glacier and clough, the main mountain range is the bead mountain, own tallest mountain peak of world, the elevation is 8848 meters.Protect many rare specieses in park, for example snow leopard and red panda.In order to giving up the existence of the tribe of , they the special culture increased the attraction of this region.Park elevation from entrance of 2805 meters, had been rising till 8844.43 meters, world most high peak bead right here.The bead elevation is 8844 meters.(hide the language"the bead ", mean "the mother of absolute being")The Nepalese language calls "the add tower", meaning BE" day " or"the crest of world".The European calls its"private of ", English is "the shell especially" again, is for celebrate 1852 as to it's did geography position and elevation to survey and map highly of George ·the shell especially but assign name to.The towering steep bead is always a whole world to climb mountain an athlete challenge own place.On May 29,1953, under help that Nepalese summer 尔 Ba's clansmen, England climbed mountain a brigade to ascend an apex from the south ascent.The mountain climbing in China brigade then conquered a north ascent on May 25,1960.The adds the tower national park weather pleasant, the summer has no intense heat, the winter has no strict and cold, whole year round sunlight brilliant, all the year round such as spring.On all sides cluster the mountain boldness of vision is impressive-looking, the ice stands up like a forest.The top of hill didn't turn whole year round of accumulated snow, below the hills all the year round evergreen flower and grass, still have representative inside park teach rather to send of thank Ba a person the monastery temple of the culture.Be being 24 kilometers apart from the bead/elevation the fragrant wave of 3962 meters it sets up a hotel for modernizing, is world Shanghai to pull out the tallest hotel.It is the good place which appreciates Himalayan attractive scene in the mountain area here.It still sets up elevation the high mountain airport of 4267 meters in the fragrant wave.There are flight and Katmandu contacts everyday, also there is tour flight to make "view mountain view" to fly for the visitor.45 a hundred years ago, summer Ba person(Tibet of a race) from moved Tibet to go into business to is a farmer perhaps here.The added the rise of the tower national park tourism to change summer Ba the person's life style biggest now, traveling already through become main economic source in the region, average per family's somebody elses have one person to be engaged in tour profession.Though the tour industry brought considerable income and infinite development opportunity for this region, even some regions returned to ascend an electricity, it also brought some negative influence.The tour has to cause the forest store directly or indirectly of cut to soar with commodity price, also make people be depended on in the import of money and food more;Make more what person feel sorry for BE, summer Ba the person's race cultural special features, dance a nasty play such as the dialect, celebration ceremony, folk song and the race have already declined.